
Start a New Story

Set Up a Story

This version of Consequences is slightly different from the original game, however is more creative and makes hilarious and interesting stories. It's fun to play at a party, with a group of friends, or wherever!

Fill out the fields below to get started. There have been 24 stories written so far by 53 authors!

Note that all stories can be viewed publicly.

Looking for a game that was already created?


  1. The host sets up the game.
  2. Players see a certain number of previous sentences.
  3. Each player continues the story, using the previous sentences as a starting point.
  4. The story is constantly compiled and can be viewed publicly!


Name: Enter your name. This is displayed to all contributors as they write.

Title: The name of your story. This establishes a theme for the story.

Sentences to Write: The number of sentences that each contributor writes.

Visible Sentences: The number of previous sentences that each contributor sees. These are the sentences to work off of.

Email: Links are sent to this email. The email is not used for any purpose other than this game, and you may opt out any time.

Access Key: A secret word or phrase that a contributor must use to start contributing.
